RNC: God Qualified Lara Trump To Be Their Co-Chair
(It's a cult.)
Earlier today, members of the Republican National Committee elected Michael Whatley to succeed Ronna McDaniel as chairman and Lara Trump as co-chair.
Lara Trump?
Nepotism, much?
Beth Bloch from the West Virginia Republican Party took the podium and claimed that God qualified Lara Trump to be co-chair of the RNC.
"We are reminded of a powerful truth," Bloch said. "God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called."
Try to say that three times fast!
She continued, "Laura Trump is the embodiment of this truth."
Her only qualifications were her constant appearances on Fox News and Newsmax, and being Donald Trump's daughter-in-law. Lara was booted off Fox News last year when the treasonous ex announced his campaign.
Lying on television for Eric's dad must have really impressed God Almighty, right?
Extremist MAGA evangelicals have taken over the Republican Party. It's a Trump cult. That's the only explanation for her so-called "qualifications".