Trump Admits He Wants To Sound Like Hitler

All the media has to do is ask him. Howard Kurtz did.

On Sunday morning, Howard Kurtz interviewed Trump on Fox News, and the former guy confirmed he means what he says when he sounds like Hitler and Mussolini.

Kurtz just asked Trump if he understands that the language he uses is exactly the kind of words Hitler and Mussolini used.

"Why do you use words like vermin and poisoning of the blood?" Kurtz asked. "The press, as you know, immediately reacts to that by saying, well, that's the kind of language that Hitler and Mussolini used."

“Because our country is being poisoned,” Trump said.

Trump feigned ignorance.

"Well, that's what they say. I didn't know that. But that's what they say," he said.

Yes, that's what those monsters say.

"Because our country is being poisoned," Trump declared.

That is a response that a Grand Wizard of the KKK would have been proud to make. Trying to claim not sounding like Hitler is being politically correct, diminished Don then insanely lied for almost 3 minutes, about who and what types of migrants are coming to the country.

TRUMP: They're all being released into our country. These are murderers. These are people at the highest level of crime.

And then you have mental institutions and insane asylums. I always say the difference is one is silence of the lamb. You don't see it's a mental institution on steroids. OK. But those mental institutions and insane asylums are being emptied out into the United States.

And then you have terrorists are pouring in at levels that we have never seen before. This is a horrible thing. Only bad is going to come of it.

A friend of yours, Sean Hannity, said it's 100 percent certain that there'll be big problems here very soon. He means an attack. I know there's a lot of concern.

I say that. And I say you happen to be right. But here's my theory that you use over the top, sometimes inflammatory language, because that drives the media debate. Did Trump go too far?

And then you get the next several news cycles talking about your issue and, you know, whether your language was too much or wasn't enough. And he thought that I might be right on that.

It also gets people thinking about very important issues that if you don't use certain rhetoric, if you don't use certain words that maybe are not very nice words, nothing will happen. That did stir debate.

But it happens to be true when you have hundreds of thousands of people from jails all over the world. I'm not just talking about South America. They come from the Congo. They come from all different parts of Africa. They come from Asia all over. They come from Europe. They come to the Middle East.

They're coming from all over the place. Equal opportunity. We're like an equal opportunity employer. They're coming in at numbers that we've never seen before. It's not sustainable. And in many cases, they're not good people.

And you have a new form of crime. It's called migrant crime. We had crime. We have violent crime. You're going to have now migrant crime, which is going to be super violent. And it's going to be as bad. It's going to double up your crime.

Everything I've said has been right. It's going to double up your crime. We have millions of people coming into our country that shouldn't be here.

This outburst was downright crazy. It appeared that Kurtz was hoping that Trump would say he was just using this rhetoric to get media attention, but instead Trump categorically certified he enjoys speaking like Hitler and Mussolini.

So finally Kurtz transitioned away from his original question. On the Fox News MediaBuzz website, they promoted most of Trump's interview except this part.

As usual Traitor Trump used the moniker "migrant crime" to smear all migrants, but the research and studies show that migrants coming here are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born Americans.

Some of the most extensive research comes from Stanford University. Economist Ran Abramitzky found that since the 1960s, immigrants are 60% less likely to be incarcerated than U.S.-born people

There is also state level research, that shows similar results: researchers at the CATO Institute, a libertarian think tank, looked into Texas in 2019. They found that undocumented immigrants were 37.1% less likely to be convicted of a crime.

As Lawyers Guns and Money wrote, "Trump: Hell yeah I meant that!"

Yes he did. If Trump speaks like a Nazi and acts like a Nazi, well...

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