Colin Jost: Maybe 'Donald Trump Knows Exactly What It Feels Like To Be On Cocaine'

SNL Weekend Update host Colin Jost got some digs in on Trump after his ridiculous comments that Biden was "jacked up" at the State of the Union address.

SNL Weekend Update host Colin Jost got some digs in on Trump after his ridiculous comments that Biden was "jacked up" at the State of the Union address.

JOST: At a campaign rally, former president Trump said he would debate president Biden "any time, any place,” and then he pointed to an empty podium next to him on stage, and now, Trump and Biden are both polling 80 points behind the podium.

In a new interview, Donald Trump also claimed that President Biden was high on cocaine during the State of the Union, saying: "He was all jacked up at the beginning. By the end, he was fading fast."

Huh—it almost sounds like Donald Trump knows exactly what it feels like to be high on cocaine. You know, like in the beginning you’ve got a lot of energy (cue Trump dancing to YMCA), but then, by the end, you’re fading fast (cue Trump slurring gibberish at a rally).

Dan Pfeiffer did a deep dive into the media coverage of Trump, and the fact that they mainly ignore all the crazy crap that comes out of his mouth, which works to Trump's benefit:

On Thursday morning, Donald Trump was a guest on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show. Hewitt is a one time Never Trump conservative turned obsequious Trump flunkie. The entire show was a strange journey into the rabbit hole that is Donald Trump’s decaying brain. He offered nonsensical answers to semi-substantive, but not particularly probing, questions about abortion, China, and Gaza. He also accused Biden of cheating in golf. Things really went off the rails when Hewitt asked Trump about his challenge to debate Biden anytime, anywhere: [...]

This is pure insanity, but perhaps the funniest part of the whole thing is that Hewitt just changed the subject and moved on to a series of questions about Trump’s vice presidential selection process.

Yes, a presidential candidate just accused the sitting President of the United States of delivering the State of the Union address while high on cocaine. I’m guessing that unless you listened to the Friday episode of Pod Save America, most of you are learning this information for the first time. And it's not because you aren’t avid consumers of news. It’s because the traditional political media decided to ignore this outlandish accusation from a clearly deranged and dishonest man (and the next potential President of the United States). The press is aware of the interview. Hewitt is not a MAGA content creator who operates in the dark corners of the internet. He is — bizarrely and unfortunately — a member of the Washington establishment in good standing. The reporters who cover Trump listened to the interview and many wrote stories about his comments on Israel and Gaza, but they made an editorial decision to bury Trump’s insane accusations.

Clearly, Donald Trump accusing Biden of being a cokehead is not the biggest issue in the election. But I think the incident reveals how the press’s coverage of Trump ends up advantaging him and making Biden’s road to reelection that much steeper.

Go read the rest on how the press continues to normalize Trump. It's nice we've got the late night comedians mocking this stuff, but the news media has been falling down on the job forever when it comes to informing the public that Trump sounds insane almost all of the time.

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