Extreme Republicans Call For TV Executions And Quote Hitler
Extreme Republicans are part of the norm in the 2024 elections. There are GOP candidates running in local and state races who want to see TV executions of Democrats and like to quote Adolf Hitler. Two GOP candidates in North Carolina are thriving, despite their outrageous world views.
Extreme Republicans are part of the norm in the 2024 elections. There are GOP candidates running in local and state races who want to see TV executions of Democrats and like to quote Adolf Hitler. Two GOP candidates in North Carolina are thriving, despite their outrageous world views. Republican Michele Morrow is the nominee for superintendent of North Carolina's public schools. CNN reported that Morrow called for executing former President Barack Obama on television in 2020. In addition, Morrow favored murdering then-President-elect Joe Biden. Murrow would decide about the state's $11 billion public school budget if she's elected.
In March 2024, CNN's Andy Kaczynski tweeted about the network's research into Morrow: "Our investigation last week found along w/calls to execute prominent Democrats, Bill Gates, etc. she referenced QAnon's celebrity child blood harvesting claim and alleged Chinese troops in Canada were poised to invade to support Biden's inauguration."
A few days after CNN's investigation, Kaczynski discovered that Morrow had deleted her social media posts. The CNN reporter tweeted: "Interesting update here, Morrow's old account where she called for executing Democrats and Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates (and suggested Jim Carey harvests the blood of children to prolong his life) looks to have been deleted."
Despite this candidate's radical views, North Carolina Republican donors plan a fundraiser for Morrow per WUNC.
Mark Robinson - North Carolina GOP Candidate for Governor
Morrow is not North Carolina's only controversial GOP candidate. The Republican candidate For NC's Governor Is...a piece of work. Mark Robinson, is under fire for a 2020 video resurfaced on YouTube where he expressed a desire to return to the time when women could not vote.
According to The Guardian, North Carolina's current Lt. Governor has other radical opinions. The British outlet reports that in 2021, Robinson said: "There's no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth." Another article by The Guardian reports Robinson quotes Hitler and denies the Holocaust even happened.
According to NBC News, Robinson shared an anti-gun control post on Facebook in 2018 that said, in part: "This foolishness about Hitler disarming MILLIONS of Jews and then marching them off to concentration camps is a bunch of hogwash."
As mentioned, Morrow and Robinson are far from the only GOP candidates with drastic opinions. Journalist Greg Sargent of The New Republic tweeted at least dozen GOP candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives are "election deniers, were involved in 1/6, or voted against Biden electors."