Four Years Ago Today: Trump Touts Zinc As COVID Remedy

Continuing in our series of "are you better off now"?

Continuing our series regarding "are you better off today than you were four years ago, here's the Velveeta Vulgarian recommending zinc as a Covid remedy. John Amato wrote the post four years ago today, April 9, 2020:

Trump stunned the medical community yesterday when he claimed they are saying "to add zinc" as a coronavirus treatment.

Dr. William Haseltine told Dana Perino on Fox News, these outliers are never trusted sources of medical information and called hydroxychloroquine a quack remedy for COVID19.

During yesterday's reelection campaign presser, Trump thanked State Rep. Karen Whitsett for telling Laura Ingraham she believes hydroxychloroquine helped cure her.

Trump then suddenly began promoting azithromycin and zinc as part of his unproven remedy to combat COVID-19.

Stable Genius went off: "Zinc, they say. Zinc. You should add zinc. Now, this all has to be recommended by doctors, physicians. But they say zinc. I want to throw that out there we could where they seem to be having the best result.”

Where, what?

Azithromycin and Zinc? Who is the they promoting these combinations for use against the coronavirus?

It's certainly not any medical professional affiliated with the coronavirus task force.

The NY Times reports, "Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, has been treating a New York village of 35,000 Hasidic Jews roughly an hour’s drive from Manhattan and claims he seen great results.

This led to instant promotion by Trump, Mark Meadows and Fox News minions like Sean Hannity, and Rudy Giuliani.

Of course, it's Fox News. They amplify any singular story that can help Trump no matter if it is true or not. They never bothered to fact check any claim of a miracle cure that Trump has been promoting for obvious reasons. For selfish reasons. These selfish reasons are very dangerous to the public at large.

Shortly after he posted on YouTube, a group of village officials wrote an open letter pleading with him to stop. They said he had exaggerated the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in Kiryas Joel, using a small sample of his patients to predict that as many as 90 percent of village residents would get the virus.

“Dr. Zelenko’s videos have caused widespread fear that has resulted in the discrimination against members of the Hasidic community throughout the region,” the officials wrote, disputing the figure.

MSNBC broke into the briefing (why are they airing them live???) to debunk the zinc nonsense:

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