Governor Puppy Killer's Book Is 'Team Trump Approved'

The RNC not only approve of the puppy killer's book but is grifting off of it. Oh, and they want a bigger safe space too.

Governor Puppy Killer's Book Is 'Team Trump Approved'

Even as Governor Puppy Killer, Kristi Noem, is rightfully catching hell for her book in which she talked about killing a puppy because she hated it, but then doubling down on her despicable deed, she is also getting some support from the Trump campaign, aka the RNC.

The RNC recently sent out a fundraiser mass email promoting her book and saying for a donation, they'll send out a "free" copy of the puppy killing manual:

On Friday, Republicans offered up free copies of the book to anyone willing to donate $35 or more. The email was “Team Trump approved.”

Obviously, the book is not free. The RNC is charging $35 for the POS which isn't worth the paper it's printed on. However, it is very telling that the Trump legal defense fund is perfectly fine with a bit of barbarity and vulgarity as long as it pays the lawyers' fees.

Ironically, on the very same day that they sent out the fundraiser email, the RNC went running to the Secret Service and to the City of Milwaukee, crying that they needed a much larger safe space for their convention:

A letter from an attorney for the Republican National Committee states that if the designated protest area were at Pere Marquette Park on the west side of the Milwaukee River, convention attendees would have to walk right by the park on State Street or Kilbourn Avenue to reach the venues.

"The effect of this selected Park location for the demonstrators, when coupled with the USSS’s creation of the pedestrian traffic flow necessitated by the location of the Security Perimeter and the associated selection of the two primary pedestrian access points, is that the USSS will be creating, in effect, a mandated confrontational area, where the pedestrians will be funneling into the direct (planned) vicinity of the demonstrators," attorney Todd R. Steggerda wrote.

In other words, the RNC is deeply concerned about attendees being exposed to protesters. The unspoken part is that if that would happen, attendees might get exposed to the truth and to the reality that there are a lot of people that don't like them.

It's sad that the Republicans never once considered that if they stopped taking away a woman's right to do what she wants with her body or murdering innocent puppies, much less bragging about those evil deeds, they might have a slightly easier go of things.

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