MAGA Mike And Lumpy To Meet At Mar-a-Lago For Dumbest Reason Ever

Don't they have anything better to do?

House speaker MAGA Mike Johnson is set to visit Donald Trump's Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, to work on critical issues. The two brainiacs plan to push a bill to ban non-citizens from voting even though that is already illegal.

The Independent reports:

Mr. Johnson is set to hold a press conference at the former president's residence on Friday, part of longstanding Republican attack lines against Democrats. There is little evidence to suggest that non-citizen voting is a widespread issue throughout the different states. In a study of the 2016 election by the Brennan Center, researchers found that just 0.0001 percent of voters across 42 jurisdictions, encompassing 23.5m votes, were suspected to be non-citizens who managed to vote - that is an estimated 30 incidents in total.

However, Donald Trump has incessantly laid down claims of election fraud and has subsequently spoken about his unsupported theory that migrants are in the United States because they are being "signed up" to vote.

"I think they really are doing it because they want to sign these people up to vote. I really do," Mr Trump said at an Iowa rally in January. "They can't speak a word of English for the most part, but they're signing them up."

As usual, the Twice Impeached One is making that claim with no evidence to back it up. It's all because his narcissistic brain refuses to allow him to accept defeat for the 2020 election he lost to Joe Biden. And apparently, we're all supposed to suffer with him while he promotes outlandish lies. You would think that Trump would not have directed his Republican allies to block the recent bipartisan compromise bill if he genuinely was concerned about immigration. He's not. It's all about his tender feewings after Biden curb-stomped him on Election Day.

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