Mayorkas Impeachment Trial Over Before It Begins

The Senate dismissal of impeachment charges against DHS Secretary Mayorkas was totally unsurprising but it underscores how Republicans view border security as just another political stunt opportunity.

The Washington Post reported that the charges against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas were dismissed after Republicans quashed their opportunity for limited debate and the creation of an impeachment committee. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s dreams of being the MAGA star of the day must have been so crushed once she learned she and the other House impeachment managers would never have the opportunity to perform make their case.

More from WaPo:

Some senators appeared bored at their small desks as Republicans made procedural point after procedural point, forcing a series of failed votes to delay the trial and other matters. At times, Republicans attempted to deliver extended remarks on the House floor, blaming Mayorkas and Democrats for the record-breaking levels of migration at the southern U.S. border.

Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) repeatedly interceded as her GOP colleagues tried to make their points of order into political statements, interrupting Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) as he described the border crisis in a long winded introduction to another failed procedural vote.

In the video above, MSNBC political analyst Jake Sherman says, “It has been a very, very bad Congress for Republicans…. They say we have nothing to run on, we have no accomplishments. … I mean, they’re saying it themselves.”

Republicans have only themselves to blame. They refused to pass a very tough, bipartisan border security bill and instead engaged in a go-nowhere impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas – thus taking his time and attention away from the real issues of homeland security, including the very real problems at the border. That’s not counting all the shenanigans over ousting their own speaker.

Maybe the Republicans will finally take some of that personal responsibility they’re always demanding of others less fortunate. But I doubt it.

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