Mike’s Blog Round-Up

"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." -- Abraham Lincoln

On the morning after Lincoln's death in 1865, sixty-year old Charlotte Scott, a former Virginia slave living in Ohio, donated five dollars to her employer and asked that it be used toward a monument for the president. A campaign among freed slaves raised $18,000 for the memorial. Frederick Douglass delivered the keynote speech at the monument's dedication on April 14, 1876, which was attended by President Ulysses S. Grant and other political figures. The Emancipation Monument served as the primary national memorial to Lincoln until 1922, when the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated in West Potomac Park.

Mock Paper Scissors: News That Will Drive You To Drink.

All Hat No Cattle: House approves contentious FISA bill in bipartisan vote.

You Might Notice A Trend: A Focal Point of Racism, Domestic Violence, Injustice, and History.

Attention dinosaur nerds! U.S. Forest Service acquires largest recorded rare dinosaur trackway located in Ouray County.

Round Up by driftglass of the Professional Left Podcast and Science Fiction University

Send tips to mbru (AT) crooksandliars (DOT) com

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