Tax Evasion May Be Trump’s Next Criminal Charges

Just like his hero, Al Capone!

Tax Evasion May Be Trump’s Next Criminal Charges

Thanks to a bombshell footnote in a document from Donald Trump’s New York fraud case, the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington has just filed a criminal complaint to the FBI and the Department of Justice about a fake $50 million loan Trump has repeatedly “disclosed.” The fraud-case footnote reported that the loan did not exist.

C&L reported in January that the fake loan looked a lot like tax evasion.

Now Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is asking the FBI and DOJ to look into it. “Donald Trump should be investigated for knowingly and willfully making false statements about debts owed to his Chicago business on his public financial disclosure reports,” CREW said in a statement.

Between 2015 and 2023, Trump disclosed owing more than $50,000,000 to his Chicago business, a claim he signed to be “true, complete and correct to the best of [his] knowledge.” However, a court appointed monitor revealed that she was told by the Trump Organization that this Chicago loan “never existed.” A false claim of being owed tens of millions of dollars could be part of a tax avoidance scheme known as debt parking or could conceal a hidden debt to another party.

A hidden debt to another party? Like maybe a Russian? Or Saudi? Or some other foreign national that Trump has been secretly beholden to all these years?

You may recall that in October, Trump boasted about having been indicted more times than “the great legendary Alphonse Capone.” Trump went on to call Capone “a seriously tough mobster” and the “king of mobsters.” In reality, Capone was indicted six times, twice more than Trump. But hey, Trump may be catching up soon.

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