Trump Trial: We Made It To The End Of Week 1!!

Pecker finally finished testifying after a long first week of testimony in Trump's first criminal trial.

Trump Trial: We Made It To The End Of Week 1!!

Ok guys, congratulations on making it to the end of the the First Week Of The Donald Trump Election Interference Criminal Trial. David Pecker finally wrapped up his testimony, we had a quick visit by Rhona Graff (Trump's former assistant of 34 years) and testimony from the banker who helped Michael Cohen secure the loan that was used to pay Stormy Daniels $130k in hush money.

First to the fun stuff. Don Snoreleone kept napping. In fact, he was almost crawling under the table to wrap up in full on REM sleep ala George Costanza and the nap desk.

On to the testimony:

Trump's lawyers tried to muddy the water by insinuating that McDougal was trying to advance her career, not for any Trump related reason.

Meh. Didn't land any blows. Redirect by prosecution was quick. Onto the next witness: Rhona Graff. Literally nothing of value from this witness that I could discern outside of the fact that Trump had contact info for Stormy Daniels and that Graff knew she was a porn star. GROSS.

Onto Michael Cohen's banker from First Republic Bank (now defunct), Gary Farro.

Laying the groundwork for details on this loan/fake company or whatever..

Different account needed to be opened: Essential Consultants LLC. This was the shell company that paid off Stormy Daniels.

And with that, the first official week of Trump's FIRST Criminal Trial has wrapped! See you on Monday.

REMINDER: We are still waiting for a ruling on the FIRST gag order violation hearing AND there will be a SECOND hearing on a new batch of gag order violations next Wednesday at 2:15pm.

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