Bannon: Sure, MAGA Is Cool With A Forever Trump Presidency

Trumpers are fine with a little fascism.

Sloppy Steve Bannon spoke with Bloomberg News's Joshua Green to ask him about his deep dive into Trump World in his latest piece. Bannon seems to think it's cute when Trump talks about staying in power for more than two terms. Green noted that that's a concern for voters, and they're taking it seriously, Media Matters reports. And they should take it seriously.

"So my piece is called "Trump Forever?" with a question mark, and it's based on, you know, I get to sit in on how to focus groups and stuff from time to time," Green said. "Strategists in both parties will let me do this just to kind of get a pulse of what voters are talking about and worrying about."

"And one thing that I picked up on was that a lot of undecided voters and a lot of voters who actually voted for Biden in 2020 but then have turned against him are hesitant to vote for Donald Trump because they're afraid that if Trump is reelected, he'll never leave the White House, that he'll wipe out term limits, declare himself king and essentially establish a permanent presidency," he continued. "And this is a real fear among real people who are out there." e

"This is because you think the media has played, by the way, let's play the clip from President because President Trump does do this now just about every rally," Bannon said before playing the clip. "Let's go ahead and play it."

Trump has repeatedly suggested staying in power. Bannon played a clip of Trump toying with running for three terms.

"Three-term or two-term, and then the audience always goes, three, three, the voters," Bannon said.

"This isn't a media fabrication. You know thise Trump likes to talk about this stuff," Green said. "Number 1, he said I'll be a dictator for a day. Sean Hannity invites him on to knock it down, and he goes, no, no, I meant it. I'm serious, just for a day."

"Hold it, but my point is you have a very wise individual quoted in this story that says to do that would take two-thirds of the House and the Senate," Bannon said. "I wt's a whole process. It's not going to happen. He does this. This is what I love about him. Okay. First off, half of this audience would say, hey, I'm good. How do we make this happen?"

"Of course, MAGA would say, of course, how you do it?" he continued. "He's clearly trying to trigger people. But you're saying when you actually sit in these focus groups, there are some independent voters who might vote for Trump who actually get triggered by this."

"That's right, they're afraid of it. And we had, you know, one guy in this, in this focus group, you know, undecided voter in Pennsylvania went for he's not just worried about a Trump permanent presidency," Green explained. "He thinks it's going to be a monarchy where he's going to pass it off to Barron, you know, for a couple terms. And then essentially, it will be like, you know, France in the 18th century or something. It'll be Trumps forever."

"So that's 25% of the War Room. No. We're anti-monarchists. We're definitely small-r republicans. We don't even like the monarchy in England," Bannon insisted.

"Of course, our audience, hey, three, give me three, I'll throw in a fourth, right?" Bannon added. "What's this Barron thing? Don't skip Don Jr."

Shouldn't Bannon be getting ready to go to prison?

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