'He Failed': Biden Zings Trump On China After Laying On A Massive Burn

He's not wrong.

On Tuesday, Biden announced an increase in tariffs on a variety of Chinese imports, including electric vehicles, solar cells, semiconductors, and advanced batteries, to protect strategic American industries from a new wave of competitors that the President said were unfairly subsidized by Beijing, according to the New York Times. Of course, Trump grabbed credit for that, and he was all about tariffs, but at the same time, he criticized Biden for it from the courthouse because, of course he did.

"They've also got to do it on other vehicles, and they have to do it on a lot of other products," he told reporters before entering court for his hush money/election interference trial in New York. "Because China's eating our lunch right now. ... They have to do it on much more than electric vehicles."

Biden spoke to a crowd that included the leaders of several labor unions and representatives from steel, aluminum, and other manufacturers about the difference between his administration's approach and Trump's.

"My predecessor promised increased American exports and boosted manufacturing," President Biden said. "But he did neither. He failed."

A reporter asked, "Trump said today, China is eating our lunch. What do you say in response?"

"He's been feeding them for a long time," Biden said.

Biden is quick with the burns. Trump, in contrast, would yell out at hecklers, "Go home to Mommy!" Yeah, what a difference. I'll take the 81-year-old over the unhinged 77-year-old who lacks empathy and a sense of humor.

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