Daily Wire Host Matt Walsh Is Racist AF, Part Infinity

What drugs is he on? Just say no to those white supremacy pills, y'all.

Can we please take a moment to feel bad for all of the oppressed white men in this country? Daily Wire snowflake Matt Walsh has had it with airport workers who aren't white. Walsh claims, and I have no idea where he's getting his info from, although Infowars is my first guess, that white men aren't allowed to build airports anymore. Republicans are all about victimization these days. It's really something to behold.

"So white men don't get to build airports anymore," Walsh said, according to Media Matters. "The airports aren't for them; neither are construction jobs. You have to wonder what, if anything, these politicians want white men to do."

"Like, what do you want them to do? What are white men supposed to be doing now? Should they ever receive any funding from the government?" he continued. "Should they be allowed to compete for government contracts on a fair and equal playing field? Apparently not."

"Should white men just build, maintain, and run their own airport? I'd be quite happy to use that airport, personally," Walsh continued. "I think most people would, actually."

Note: Well, akshually, no one wants to fly near a grown man who won't stop crying, Matthew.

"Really though, everyone knows what's happening here. Her goal and the goal of her party isn't simply to erase white men from history," he said. "Their goal is to erase white men from the workforce as punishment for doing everything so well for so long."

"It's not a secret at this point," he added. "And as conservatives spend all their time talking about, you know, college campuses and so on, their enemies are being very methodical and explicit about what they're doing. One airport renovation and construction job at a time."

Lord have mercy. Walsh also said that DEI is a safety risk. What drugs is he on exactly? Just so no, y'all.


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