In The GOP/Trump Planner: Mass Executions?

They said what now?

“This is fine,” says the doggie in the burning coffee shop (emphasis mine):

There’s A GOP Plan For An Execution Spree If Trump Wins The White House
Buried on page 554 of the plan is a directive to execute every remaining person on federal death row — and dramatically expand the use of the death penalty.


[…] Last year, a coalition effort by conservative groups known as Project 2025 released an 887-page document that lays out policy goals and recommendations for each part of the federal government. Buried on page 554 is a directive to execute every remaining federal death row prisoner — and to persuade the Supreme Court to expand the types of crimes that can be punished with death sentences.

Gene Hamilton, the author of the transition playbook’s Department of Justice chapter, wrote that the next conservative administration should “do everything possible to obtain finality” for every prisoner on federal death row, which currently includes 40 people.

It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes—particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children—until Congress says otherwise through legislation,” he wrote. In a footnote, Hamilton said that this could require the Supreme Court to overrule a previous case, “but the [Justice] department should place a priority on doing so.”

If Gene Hamilton’s name is familiar to you, it might be because he was one of PeeWee Himmler’s ghouls who came up with “the “zero-tolerance” border policy that resulted in separating children from their families. But I interrupted. Do continue.

The Project 2025 proposal envisions an extreme shift in how the death penalty is used in America. The 13 executions carried out at the end of Trump’s presidency marked the greatest number of federal executions in a single year since 1896. Although there are nonhomicide federal crimes, like treason, that technically carry the death penalty, every person on federal death row was convicted of crimes involving the death of a victim, according to Robin Maher, the executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center.

I would think that the people who treasoned (is too a wurd) during the 4th Reich might want to be a little more careful throwing around execution rhetoric. They might get what they so richly deserve.

They tasted blood. They liked it. They want more.

Hat tip: Scissorhead D-Cap; republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors.

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