Hovde: I'll Accept Election Results Even Though Democrats Cheat

Carpetbagger Eric Hovde said that he will accept the election results even though The Big Lie.

California banker and carpetbagger Eric "Pornstache" Hovde, who wants to be the US Senator from Wisconsin, has a knack for doublespeak. We first saw this when he was explaining why people in nursing homes shouldn't be allowed to vote, when he denied in believing The Big Lie and then repeating all the accusations anyway.

He then did an interview with Matt Smith of WISN-TV when this subject came up. He did the doublespeak in it and then he tried to both side it and dragged Hillary Clinton for good measure:

SMITH: Will you accept the results of your election in November?

HOVDE: Yes, I will.

SMITH: Should the president do the same for his?

HOVDE: I think everybody should. Look, I love how this has been framed recently that this is just a Republican issue. Let's not forget, in 2016, Hillary Clinton said the election was stolen, Russian interference. It caused a two-and-a-half-year investigation of what was it, $110 million, of claiming that the Russians stole the election. People seemed to forget about that, and yet they found no evidence of that. After all of that, it was very disruptive to President Trump's presidency, this ongoing investigation. So, I think we need to come together. We need to tighten up our voting process so everybody agrees and feels confidence in our voting, because we can't, you know, I've been talking about it. We can't just be in the red camp, in the blue camp, and every time an election goes against claims the other one, you know, fraud or whatever. Yeah, are there voting problems in our state? Sure. But, you know, let's try to get everybody in agreement. Let's clean up our voting system, our voting roles as much as possible, so we can move forward and have confidence in the election.

How convenient of Hovde to forget that it was the 2020 elections were investigated over and over, top to bottom and side to side, with no wrong doing found. He also forgot somehow to mention that it was the Republicans who refused to accept these finding and continued to spread The Big Lie. And he really dropped the ball by omitting the fact that it was hundreds of Republicans that have been sentenced for storming the Capitol during an insurrection and that it was Trump and company that have been getting indicted, charged and tried for election fraud - not the Democrats.

Hovde has been spending an inordinate amount of time trying to do damage control for other blunders he has made already. He just might find it beneficial to stop shooting himself in the foot first.

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