Klanned Karenhood Comes Out Of The Closet

Moms for Liberty and Threesomes are no longer pretending to be grassroots.

When they first crawled out from under their rocks, Moms for Liberty pretended to be just a grassroots group of moms with everyday concerns such as having threesomes, underage drinking parties, shoplifting, book burning, fascism and quoting Hitler.

But now they are dropping their facade and have announced an initial drop of $3 million on four swing states, including Wisconsin:

The coordinated push in presidential swing states also raises questions about the group’s intentions and funding. The nonprofit has long classified itself as a grassroots collection of like-minded parents. But Moms for Liberty co-founder Tina Descovich told The Associated Press that the new campaign came about as “investors” have approached the group wanting to see it “grow in specific states.”

She declined to identify the funders, and the nonprofit is not required to disclose them as a federally recognized 501(c)4 social welfare group. Federal Election Commission records show the group’s affiliated PAC, Moms for Liberty Action, has received $161,000 since October from Restoration PAC, which is funded by the conservative billionaire Richard Uihlein. Restoration PAC didn’t respond to a call from the AP, and it was unclear whether its funding was supporting Moms for Liberty’s latest campaign.

But there's more. There's always more.

The group claims that they aren't advocating in the presidential race, even though they are:

Moms for Liberty doesn’t endorse in presidential races, and Descovich said the group will invite all three top presidential contenders to its annual summit this summer. Still, the new advertising blitz includes billboards that directly criticize President Joe Biden for his new Title IX regulations that provide safeguards for LGBTQ+ students. Moms for Liberty last week joined several states in suing the Biden administration to block those rules.

Furthermore, the head of the Wisconsin chapter of Hitler's Honeys, Scarlett Johnson, has been named as a Republican delegate to the national convention this summer.

There's no word if these Crackpots with Crockpots are going to lift the morale at the RNC, but it's a safe bet that they aren't going to be there for moral support.

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