Trump Trial: Michael Cohen's Redemption

Michael Cohen finished his direct testimony and his revenge has turned into redemption.

Day 2 of Michael Cohen's Redemption Tour is over, and so far he has kept his cool, done what he needed to do and provided exceptionally devastating testimony about his former boss. Direct testimony ended by mid-day and the cross examination began. By the end of the day, it was clear that Trump's attorney had a weak deck and was not landing any punches. Cohen was unflappable.

Here are some of the highlights:

Trump had an entourage, complete with their cult uniforms:

In addition to dressing like Donald Trump, they also were used as mouthpieces to attack everyone (including witnesses), useful idiots to get around the gag order currently muzzling Trump.

As Cohen started his testimony, Trump kept his eyes shut again...jurors continue to furiously take notes.

Cohen goes into great detail about the FBI raid on his home. He shares details, some known, some unknown. The raid began at 7am and synchronized to search his apartment, his law office and his bank. They confiscated two cell phones, other electronic devices, numerous tax books and other documents. They also took documents from his law office.

When asked by the prosecutor how he felt, he responded: "How to describe your life being turned upside down? Concerned, despondent, angry." He also said he was frightened. He was, after all, under investigation by federal authorities in Southern District of New York.

Cohen shares that after leaving a message for Donald Trump following the FBI raid, he received a phone call during which Trump said "Don't worry, I'm the President of the US...everything's going to be ok. Stay tough. You're going to be OK."

It was the last time Michael Cohen spoke to Donald Trump.

Even though they did not speak again, Cohen said he felt reassured because he thought Donald Trump would protect him. So, he remained loyal. In the Trump camp.

When asked if people in Trump's circle talked to him during that time, he said they told him: "You're loved. He's got your back...don't worry."

That was a lie.

Then we get to Robert Costello, the attorney Cohen was considering retaining to defend him in this case. He tells the court that Costello was "incredibly close" to Rudy Giuliani. He testified that Costello told him "That would be a relationship that would be very beneficial to you" because Giuliani was also very close with Donald Trump.

Cohen thought this meant that Costello could be a "backchannel" to Trump through Giuliani. Cohen found him "sketchy". His impression was correct, when Costello used some mobspeak to send a message: "Sleep well tonight, you have friends in high places. Some very nice comments about you from the White House." Clearly a reference to Trump.

Many more weird, pressure campaign type emails are read into the record and entered as evidence. Cohen ended up hiring other attorneys to represent him in the SDNY case. After speaking with his family, Cohen decided to plead guilty to a number of federal crimes in August 2018. One count related to making an excessive campaign contribution in violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act. It was in connection to the Stormy Daniels payment.

He was asked WHY he paid the money. He responded: "So the story would not come out and would not impact Mr. Trump's chances."

Asked on whose behalf did you commit that crime, he responded: "On behalf of Mr. Trump."

This knife in the back was entered into evidence:

Cohen then talks about his later guilty plea for false statements to Congress - these related to statements made in 2017 about conversations with Donald Trump regarding the Trump Org project in Moscow. He was sentenced to and surrendered to prison in 2019.

Prior to surrendering to prison, he testified before Congress about Donald Trump. He told them that Trump "directed" him to pay off Daniels and that it was for Trump's benefit. He also apologized to the American people for "lying to them."

He talks a bit more about other cases he has testified in, his taxi medallion history and his current work. Podcast called Mea Culpa, his MediasTouch Network podcast, his books "Disloyal" and "Revenge." And merchandise.

The last question? Does he regret working at Trump Org? Cohen said he had some "interesting and great times" but the things he had to do to keep his loyalty, the things he was asked to, those things "violated my moral compass. And I suffered the penalty, as did my family."



Time for the CROSS EXAMINATION! Up for Team Trump: Todd Blanche. And...we are off.

Right out of the gate, Blanche tries to get under Cohen's skin. He introduces himself: "Mr. Cohen, my name is Todd Blanche...you went on TikTok and called me a ‘crying little shit.'" Cohen responds, not missing a beat: “Sounds like something I would say,."

Prosecution: OBJECTION!

2 jurors reportedly looked at each other and smiled.

Blanche then dove into statements Cohen made. He asked him to confirm whether he once called the former president a "dictator douchebag." Cohen again replied: "Sounds like something I said."

Blanche then asked Cohen if he recalled saying Trump should go back to "where he belongs, in a f---ing cage, like a f---ing animal." Cohen replied "I recall saying that."

Then Blanche asks if the prosecutors have asked Cohen to stop talking about the case. Yes, Cohen confirms that they have. Ironically, Blanche is the one who seemed to be raising his voice and getting frustrated while Cohen remained calm, cool and collected. Quite the contrast.

Blanche then asks if Cohen wants to see Trump convicted. "Yes, probably...I would like to see accountability,” Cohen said. Blanche then retorted, “I’m just asking you to say yes or no. Do you want to see President Trump convicted in this case?” Cohen replied “Sure."


Next up. Merch. A tshirt showing Trump behind bars. Ok that was fast.

Now a weird line of questioning that Cohen actually turned around. Cohen first stated that he had previously “admired” Trump “tremendously.” Blanche twisted that, stating “You were actually obsessed with President Trump, weren’t you?” Cohen, calm as a cucumber, replied “I don’t know if I would characterize the word obsessed. I admired him tremendously."

Blanche then tried to get Cohen to admit that he lied and was a liar. We knew this was coming. It is their best line of defense, but it didn't quite land well. Blanche kept pushing him to say he lied to investigators about a Trump-branded skyscraper in Moscow. Here is the exchange:

COHEN: Yes, the information I gave was not accurate.
BLANCHE: Was it a lie?
COHEN: I don't know if I would characterize it as a lie. It was inaccurate.
BLANCHE: Was it a lie?
COHEN: It wasn’t a lie. It wasn’t truthful. If you want to call it a lie, we can call it a lie. I believe the information I gave them is inaccurate.
BLANCHE: But you are not testifying it’s a lie?
COHEN: Sure, I’ll say it’s a lie.

The cross is scattered and keeps jumping around topic to topic with the no order to the time period covered. Reporters had a tough time keeping track and Michael Cohen did too. It was not successful and Cohen stayed calm the whole time.

Todd Blanche, a reportedly very good lawyer, seemed unable to get a handle on Michael Cohen and landed no real punches in a highly anticipated cross examination. The prosecutors have stated that Cohen is their last witness. The defense had only 3 witnesses on their initial list (Trump being one of the them), but today they stated that only one would testify - an expert witness who is available next Monday. After that, we go to closing.

There is no court Wednesday, so we will see you back on Thursday! Court starts at 9:30.

Additional update: New York appeals court rejected Trump's gag order appeal on Tuesday. Womp womp.

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