That Was Fast: Lara Trump Already Calling The Debates 'Rigged'

She's giving Trump a way out of the debates.

In a post just yesterday, I asked what the odds are that Lumpy will withdraw from the debates. And last night, Lara Trump spoke on Fox News to call the debates "rigged." And no one is surprised that she's giving Trump a way out. Donald does this, too. He called the elections rigged before they took place and said he'll only accept the results if it's "honest." We've heard all this before. He means he'll only accept the results if he wins.

"And you're right, it's rigged so heavily in Joe Biden's favor, but everything always is," Lara Trump, who headed the takeover of the RNC, said.

A Fox News headline reads, 'Here are all the restrictions Biden's team demanded in their Trump debate offer,' it's a concise and reasonable list. It includes no audience. The new debates must occur in a television studio with only the candidates and the moderator present. Not a biggie, right? Unless you're a raging narcissist who needs to suck the energy out of every room he walks into.

It's just between Trump and Biden. So, RFK Jr. is out, then? No surprise there. The brain worm guy is not a serious candidate. This is widely known.

"The debates should be one-on-one, allowing voters to compare the only two candidates with any statistical chance of prevailing in the Electoral College — and not squandering debate time on candidates with no prospect of becoming President," team Biden wrote.

"Biden's demands limit the number of major news outlets that can host a 2024 presidential debate," Fox News reports. Well, yeah. That's probably so Trump doesn't propose that OAN host the debate. This is not supposed to be a circus.

This next part must get under Trump's fragile skin. The mics must be muted after the time expires for defendant candidate Trump and President Biden. Trump usually doesn't let the other candidate get a word in.

And that's it. Biden wants the debates to be serious and not all about Trump. Let them talk about the issues. That's probably why Lara, who rigged the RNC, is calling the debates "rigged." What a ridiculous woman.

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