Alito Attacks ProPublica For Investigating Thomas In New Leaked Audio

The latest leaked audio of slimy-Sammy Alito to drop from The Undercurrent this week tells you all you need to know about just how unhinged Alito is when he believes ProPublica's funding is a bigger problem than his cohort's blatant corruption.

The latest leaked audio of slimy-Sammy Alito to drop from The Undercurrent this week tells you all you need to know about just how unhinged Alito is when he believes ProPublica's funding is a bigger problem than his cohort's blatant corruption.

As we reported here, the two previous recordings of the Alitos showed pretty plainly why neither one of these whack jobs should be anywhere near the levers of power in the United States, and the latest one isn't any better, with Alito bashing ProPublica for heaven forbid daring to look into the Clarence Thomas and his sugar daddies: New Audio: Alito Bashes ProPublica for Reporting on Supreme Court Ethics

In a new recording, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito lashes out at the news organization ProPublica, describing the news organization’s Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage of the Supreme Court as driven by political animus, insisting: “They don’t like our decisions.”

Alito was captured on tape at a June 3 event hosted by the Supreme Court Historical Society. The recording was provided exclusively to Rolling Stone by Lauren Windsor, the liberal documentary maker, who has paid annual dues to the society and spent $500 for a ticket to attend the dinner. Windsor’s colleague, Ally Sammarco, attended as well, and spoke with Alito, recording their conversation.

The questioner approached Alito with flattery, calling him an “American hero,” and engaged the justice in a discussion of media scrutiny of the Supreme Court: “Why do you think the Supreme Court is being so attacked and being so targeted by the media these days?”

Alito answered: “They don’t like our decisions, and they don’t like how they anticipate we may decide some cases that are coming up. That’s the beginning of the end of it,” he said. But Alito didn’t stop there. He volunteered: “There are groups that are very well-funded by ideological groups that have spearheaded these attacks. That’s what it is.”

Asked to elaborate, Alito got specific. “ProPublica,” he said. “ProPublica gets a lot of money, and they have spent a fortune investigating Clarence Thomas, for example. You know, everything he’s ever done in his entire life.” Alito then pulled his own experience into the conversation. “And they’ve done some of that to me, too,” he said. “They look for any little thing they can find, and they try to make something out of it.”

"Any little thing." Yeah, sure pal. As Lauren Windsor discussed during her interview with Alex Wagner above, "I don't consider any little thing to be, buying my mother's house, or paying for my nephew's tuition, or getting a free RV loan, and these are all things that he's accepted from GOP donors." And as Windsor also explained, it's not just Thomas taking vacations with someone he's friends with.

Alito and Thomas and the rest of their enablers would like for everyone to sit down and shut up and allow them to go about their business. All the more reason for Democrats to quit being shy about expanding the court if there are ever the votes to do it. You're never going to shame any of these shameless crooks into doing the right thing.

I do take a small amount of satisfaction from knowing that ProPublica and others putting some sunlight on their corruption is at least getting under their skin. I'd be much happier with some impeachments or indictments.

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