Burgum Admits Biden 'Dictator' Remarks Are Attempt To Deflect From Trump

Potential Trump VP Gov. Doug Burgum basically admitted to CNN's Kaitlan Collins that their ridiculous talking point about some of Biden's executive orders is a bunch of nonsense intended to deflect from wannabe dictator Trump.

Potential Trump VP Gov. Doug Burgum basically admitted to CNN's Kaitlan Collins that their ridiculous talking point about some of Biden's executive orders is a bunch of nonsense intended to deflect from wannabe dictator Trump.

You can always count on whatever line of attack they're using against Biden as being pure projection, and this was just the latest example.

Here's the back and forth after Collins played a tape of Burgum claiming over and over again that we're "living under a dictatorship" with Biden:

COLLINS: I understand you don't like President Biden's policies on immigration or student loans. But, respectfully, I mean, you're calling the democratically elected president a dictator?

BURGUM: Well, we have got three branches of government.

And this president, more like any other, has bypassed Congress, because, as a governor of a natural resources state, a big ag state, we're facing over 30 rules and mandates. Each one of those could be 800 pages to 1,400 pages' long. None of them have come from Congress, and all of them could literally kill the industries that we have in our state, including baseload electricity, which we need to be competitive in the arms race around A.I. with China, who's building baseload electricity plants, like two a month.

So that's happening without Congress. And then, of course, on the student loan thing, when the Supreme Court ruled against him, then he just said, hey, we will figure a different way to do it.

So I just think that there's, again, a double standard here. He is bypassing the other two branches of government to push an ideological view, whether it's on economics or whether it's on climate extremism. He's doing that without using the other branches. And I think...

COLLINS: You don't like his executive orders and you don't like his policies. I understand that. I don't think anyone expects the Republican governor to agree with President Biden on that.

But that's not a dictatorship.

BURGUM: Well, I think again, part of where this word has come from has been a nonstop media attack on President Trump saying that, oh, that he might use executive orders when he takes office.

And I'm just -- was trying to make -- again, make the point here that, under this current administration, most of the changes that are driving inflation in our country, the stuff he's not doing on the border, which he could be doing with executive orders -- I mean, the open borders and the inflation are things that he's doing by himself alone, ignoring the other branches of government.

COLLINS: Well, I counted. Trump signed 220 executive orders when he was in office. President Biden so far has only signed 139, the same time span.

And on executive action, on immigration, it was Speaker Mike Johnson who was calling on President Biden to take executive action, saying it wasn't Congress' responsibility. It was his. But let me move on...

Sorry Burgum, but it's not an "attack" on Trump to report on what comes out of his mouth. Biden isn't the one looking to dismantle the government like Trump is with his dangerous Project 2025, and he's not the one claiming he wants to be a "dictator on day one." That's your boy Trump.

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