Chaffetz Attacks Protecting Undocumented Spouses From Deportation As 'Amnesty'

Here we go again with the "amnesty" attacks. The so-called party of "family values" has no problem busting them up and deporting spouses and children if it keeps their rabid base riled up.

Here we go again with the "amnesty" attacks. The so-called party of "family values" has no problem busting them up and deporting spouses and children if it keeps their rabid base riled up.

Former Congressman turned Fox regular Jason Chaffetz made an appearance on this Sunday's Media Buzz, and was asked by host Howard Kurtz about Biden's recent executive order.

More on that here: How Biden’s executive order to protect immigrant spouses of citizens from deportation will benefit their families and communities:

Rodrigo Salazar is a man who entered the U.S. without a visa and has been living in the country without legal status ever since. Because of this, Rodrigo, who asked that we not use his or his wife’s real names in order to protect their identity, cannot advance from low-paying jobs at restaurants and car washes. [...]

Immigrants like Rodrigo, who are living in the U.S. without legal status but are married to U.S. citizens, will now have protection from deportation, President Joe Biden announced on June 18, 2024. In order to qualify, they must have arrived 10 or more years ago and be married to a U.S. citizen. Those who meet these criteria will be able to get work permits and can get on the pathway to citizenship while working and living in the U.S. legally.

The Biden administration estimates that about 500,000 immigrant spouses of citizens will be protected from deportation with this policy change. The policy will also apply to approximately 50,000 U.S. citizens’ stepchildren who are living in the U.S. without legal immigration status. [...]

When one family member cannot safely travel, work or access health care, all family members suffer. The opposite is also true. When a family member is able to shift from living without legal status in the U.S. to getting legal status, the lives of the entire family improve.

That cruel reality doesn't matter to the likes of Chaffetz though, who's ready, like Trump, to just toss them all out of the country tomorrow. Here's Chaffetz' fearmongering response to Kurtz when asked about the EO:

KURTZ: Jason, in picking undocumented spouses who've been here at least ten years, married to American citizens, didn't Joe Biden target a pretty sympathetic group?

CHAFFETZ: Well, but it's still amnesty. What's forgotten are the people are trying to come here legally and lawfully.

Look, Democrats controlled the House, the Senate, and the presidency the first two years of the administration. They didn't do anything on it.

And then for three years, they told us they had operational control of the border, that it was safe and secure.

All of those things were lies. And you're doing this in a crass way right before the election and people see through it. It's a transparent thing. And I think it's wrong.

I think America knows they cannot sustain this amnesty and this unbelievable flow by the millions of people illegally into the United States.

KURTZ: Well, it's not instant amnesty because they still have to go through a process, but they get to stay in the country.

Chaffetz knows full well Trump killed the bipartisan border bill.

He also knows it doesn't matter who controls the House and the Senate if there's not a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, which he also knows Democrats do not have.

Of course, useless Howard Kurtz wasn't going to point that out to him while Chaffetz was busy spewing his attacks against Biden.

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