Former Trump Adviser Pushes Theocracy Over IVF

Katie Britt has a little competition.

Former Trump adviser Katy Talento suggested during an interview with CBN that a sense of entitlement fuels abortion. I'm only wondering when Republicans will prop her up to counter President Biden's next State of the Union address. Poor Katie Britt has some competition in being an insufferable, freedom-sucking twit.

She said, "The IVF industry, it feeds this cultural entitlement that we have to godlike powers over life and death. And that's — that sense of entitlement is precisely what has fueled the abortion industry."

Well, sure, if you change the meaning of some of those words, she has a point.

On Wednesday, delegates at the Southern Baptists' annual convention adopted a resolution criticizing IVF, claiming that the procedure often results in unused embryos being destroyed.

Republicans, who claim to support IVF, are planning to block the IVF protection legislation, citing concerns about religious freedoms and states' rights, and are trying to bring up their own doomed plan on Wednesday, according to Politico.

Make this make sense, please:

Senate Republicans plan to almost uniformly oppose a bill that provides federal protections for in vitro fertilization, hoping to quickly shut down Democrats' efforts to paint them as enemies of reproductive rights.

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is planning to bring the bill up for an initial vote on Thursday, with GOP opposition all but guaranteeing it will fail. The bill would require 60 votes to move forward, meaning it needs at least nine GOP senators to agree to advance it.

Thanks for helping Democrats win back the House, guys. Women are a massive, coveted voting bloc, and we will be there on voting day. Count on it.

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