MAGA GOP Lawmaker Gets Fact-Checked To Death

Representative Tom Tiffany gets brutally fact-checked to a pulp by CNN host.

Representative Tom Tiffany (MAGA-WI) sat down with CNN's Boris Sanchez for an interview when he tried to spew the Republican conspiracy theory that President Biden was involved in influence peddling with Ukraine. He was not prepared for Sanchez who had done his homework and had the receipts. Tiffany didn't know what hit him:

SANCHEZ: And there's no evidence in any of the documents put out by the Oversight Committee that a single dollar went to President Biden when he was in office, therefore there's no evidence that he did anything illegal, that he abused his power, or that he abused his power in office to help his family members or friends get wealthy.

TIFFANY: Joe Biden has a check in, in the amount of $40,000 that has his name on it, you got another $200,000 check that came from Jim and Sarah Biden to him. I mean, there's over $20 million.

SANCHEZ: I actually have that check here. That was a check from 2018 when he was not Vice President and it actually says that this was a reimbursal, This was a loan repayment from his brother.

TIFFANY: So, you can make the case that the Bidens did not do this while Joe Biden was Vice President, but I think it's contrary to the record. And it's contrary to what happened when Joe Biden was Vice President, and he went and called off the prosecutor in Ukraine in regards to the Burisma investigation.

SANCHEZ: That has been debunked, that prosecutor was unanimously disliked by both Republicans and Democrats and even EU officials said that he was corrupt, and they wanted him out. Nevertheless, Congressman, we do have to leave the conversation there, we do appreciate you coming on, we hope you'll come again soon.

Even better than Sanchez calling Tiffany out on each lie was the deer in the headlights look on Tiffany's face. You can just see Tiffany's brain shutting down as he realized he was not ready for prime time.

I'll admit that I was amazed for a minute that Tiffany would trot out that conspiracy theory, given how it's so easily debunked. But then I realized that the truth doesn't matter to the Republicans, as long as they can con enough of their base to go along with their lies. And that is a very low bar for them to hurdle.

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