Mike’s Blog Round-Up

"I knew a hooker once named Minnie Mazola." -- Murph IYKYK

On this day in 1980 the musical/comedy/action film "The Blues Brothers", starring Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi, and featuring appearances by Aretha Franklin; Cab Calloway; and Ray Charles opened in 594 theaters. So today you get the immortal Cab Calloway performing "Minnie The Moocher".

The Smirking Chimp: Uh-Oh. Matt Gaetz Is in Trouble Again.

The Rectification of Names: Tales of the Resistance.

The Brad Blog: Interference Threats Loom Over November's Presidential Election: 'BradCast' 6/18/2024.

Attention space nerds! Ed Dwight: A space pioneer who finally became an astronaut!

Round Up by driftglass of the Professional Left Podcast and Science Fiction University

Send tips to mbru (AT) crooksandliars (DOT) com

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