Racist Dad Disrupts Graduation By Attacking Black Official

Racist father Matt Eddy disrupted his daughter's graduation by attacking a black school official to keep him from shaking her hand. The school has a long history of racism and bigotry

Last week, the graduation ceremony at Baraboo High School was disrupted when Matt Eddy, the father of one of the students, rushed the stage and attacked Superintendent Rainey Briggs. Eddy is white and Briggs is Black.

Madison.com described Eddy as "forcibly pulling the district superintendent away from his daughter as she crossed the stage." Traditionally, when students graduate high school, they shake hands with the principal and district leaders.

A video of the ceremony recorded the father as he shouted, "That's my daughter!"

At one point, he was heard shouting, "I don't want her touching him!"

Superintendent Rainey Briggs then said, "You better get up off me man. Get away from me bro."

The video shows the daughter, clad in a blue cap and gown, shocked and putting her hand to her forehead. She moves her tassel to the left side and walks away as three police officers step in to take the man off stage.

Eddy's defenders say that the attack was because Eddy was upset by the way the school district handled bullying incidents against his daughter. However, the video clearly shows that Eddy was targeting Briggs by the way Eddy had to dodge other people to get to him.

The school district has had problems for years, including wanting to recall the school board president for giving Briggs a raise:

There has been controversy in the school district in recent months. School board president Kevin Vodak is facing a recall effort, with organizers saying he's misused taxpayer dollars by increasing salaries for Briggs and another district administrator.

Vodak was also onstage for Friday's graduation. The man who interrupted the ceremony did not prevent his daughter from shaking Vodak's hand.

Hitler High Baraboo High is also known for the 2018 incident when a large number of students gathered together while a parent took their picture as they were doing a Nazi salute.

Eddy has been charged with disorderly conduct for the incident and has an August hearing. There is also a temporary restraining order against Eddy until a June 14 hearing.

On a final note, it is easy to feel sorry for the girl who had one of her special memories ruined by her racist dad and who was obviously embarrassed by the whole incident. But keep in mind that she was raised by this man and we don't know if she shares his irrational hate.

What we need to be mindful of is that Briggs is a Black man who was attacked because of the color of his skin. This sort of incident is happening more and more often all over the country. It's time we start electing people who will take this sort of thing seriously. Eddy should have been charged with assault and battery at the least. Disorderly is an insult added to injury.

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