Ryan Calls Trump 'Unfit For Office'
Paul Ryan is finally acting like he should have eight years ago.
Paul Ryan went on with Neil Cavuto on Fox, where Ryan is on the board of directors, and once again stated that he would not be voting for Trump in November:
CAVUTO: We heard your comments. He posted this on Truth Social last month. Rupert Murdoch should fire this pathetic RINO Paul Ryan from the board of Fox. He said that Ryan is a loser, always has been, always will be. He was the weakest and most Incompetent Speaker of the House in its history. Fox will sink to the absolute bottom of the pack if Paul Ryan has anything to do with it. You do serve on our board of directors. So, he's saying you shouldn't.
RYAN: Yeah. Look I got death, taxes and weird stuff from done on Trump. These are the three certainties in my life So to me, it's just another day in a life. Look, fealty to Trump is what RINO is. Meaning if you don't pledge fealty to this man, then you are a RINO. It used to mean a liberal Republican versus a conservative. I'm a conservative Republican. He's a populist. He's not a conservative. I want to see someone who's who has fidelity to principles I would prefer a party that is based on principles Not personality or populism this populism is untethered to principles, and that's why you know, I'm an anti-establishment Republican.
But Ryan wasn't done there. He added that Rump was unfit for office because he broke his oath to uphold the Constitution and went so far as to put himself above it:
Like I said, this Paul Ryan should have shown up like this eight years ago. But I remember a Ryan who went along too willingly with Trump, damaging the country and culminating in the 2017 GOP Tax Scam. Now, if Ryan said he would be willing to vote for Biden instead of throwing his vote away, I might have more impact.