Wisconsin Fake Elector Leader Suspended From Position

Jim Troupis, one of the guys behind the Wisconsin fake elector schemes, was suspended from his position. Wait until you hear what it was.

On Tuesday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court suspended Jim Troupis from his appointed position. Troupis is one of the masterminds, a term I use very loosely, behind the Wisconsin fake elector scheme, who was charged with a felony by Attorney General Josh Kaul last week. But get a load of what the job was (emphasis mine):

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Tuesday temporarily suspended Dane County attorney Jim Troupis from a state judicial advisory panel, one week after Attorney General Josh Kaul filed felony forgery charges against Troupis and two others for their roles in designing and executing a plan to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election by submitting false slates of electors for former President Donald Trump.

Jim Troupis, a former Dane County judge, was reappointed to the state Judicial Conduct Advisory Committee in March 2023. At the time, the court's liberal justices were in the minority; the three who were on the court at the time opposed the move. The court now has a 4-3 liberal majority.
Just to clairfy, the Judicial Conduct Advisory Committee is purposed with providing advice to judges in regard to judicial ethics. Yeah, you read that right.

A guy whose career included the unconstitutional gerrymandering which was just overturned; defending Act 10, which is under review right now; acting as one of Trump's lawyers during his multiple recounts and legal challenges to the 2020 elections; and now spearheading the forging of elector certificates in an effort to turn over the election was advising judges about ethics.

Not only should he be suspended but there should be an investigation on how he got appointed and reappointed to the committee in the first place.

Last year's election of Justice Janet Protasewicz was a very good start to cleaning up the state, but there is still a lot of work to do. May I suggest getting busy with the removal of Robert Spindell, the fake elector who is somehow still sitting on the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

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