New York Times Gets Hosed Again For Innuendo About Biden Health

What does it take for them to stop printing gossip?

Anyone who lived through the Clinton blowjob scandals is familiar with the tactics of the New York Times when they decide to take down a president. They've reached into the old keepsakes box and pulled out the half-truth tactics that worked so well the last time. Hey, Peter Baker, you did it again!

An expert on Parkinson’s disease from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, including at least once for a meeting with President Biden’s physician, according to official visitor logs.

The expert, Dr. Kevin Cannard, is a neurologist who specializes in movement disorders and recently published a paper on Parkinson’s. The logs, released by the White House, document visits from July 2023 through March of this year. More recent visits, if there have been any, would not be released until later under the White House’s voluntary disclosure policy.

It was unclear whether Dr. Cannard was at the White House to consult specifically about the president or was there for unrelated meetings. Dr. Cannard’s LinkedIn page describes him as “supporting the White House Medical Unit” for more than 12 years. His biography on Doximity, a website for health professionals, lists him as a “neurology consultant to the White House Medical Unit and the physician to the president” from 2012 to 2022, which would include the administrations of Presidents Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump.

See what they did there? They took a front page "scoop" from Rupert Murdoch's NEW YORK FUCKING POST and added a thin veneer of respectability to it, because it helped advance their theories about addled old Joe Biden. Baker doesn't come out and say the president has Parkinson's disease, but he assembles enough official-sounding sentences to imply it.

Questions about Mr. Biden’s health, and specifically about Parkinson’s, have proliferated since his disastrous debate performance against Mr. Trump on June 27.

Well! The White House physician released this letter, explaining the neurologist consults and treats many, many people attached to the White House. He also said Joe Biden has no signs of Parkinson's. The Times begs to differ!

An array of neurologists who have not personally examined Mr. Biden said they observed symptoms in his public appearances that were consistent with Parkinson’s or a related disease, such as hypophonic speech, forward flexed posture, a shuffling gait, masked face and irregular speech pattern. But they emphasized that a specific diagnosis could not be given without firsthand examination.

I love Google diagnoses! Even bloggers can play that game. For instance, you know what else can cause hypophonic speech? LONG COVID. I know, because I had it for two years. I couldn't talk longer than 15 minutes without losing my voice. But the top ENT in town told me there was "nothing" wrong with my throat.

You know what else causes "forward flexed posture"? ARTHRITIS OF THE SPINE, which Joe Biden has, according to his actual doctor. "Shuffling gait"? Peripheral neuropathy in both feet. Post-fracture foot arthritis.

Oh well, Peter Baker, better luck next time!

Marcy Wheeler pointed out all this information was available in the White House physician's reporter, but Peter Baker just didn't bother to include it. Maybe he didn't even read it.

Just sayin'. The New York Times just won't rest until they find that blue dress.


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