Ukrainian Partisans Kill Russian Occupiers With Poisoned Watermelons

At least 12 Russian soldiers died from poisonous watermelons, and about 30 are in hospital with severe poisoning.

A reminder that Russia has told us repeatedly that they "liberated" Mariupol and that people there welcomed them with open arms. Seems though that many residents did not get the message if they recently killed nearly 50 of them with poisoned watermelons.

"Mariupol partisans conducted a successful operation to eliminate the occupiers," said Petro Andryushchenko on television.

Source: 24tv (Ukraine)

In the temporarily occupied Mariupol, the occupiers were poisoned with watermelons. There are at least 12 dead and more than 30 injured who are currently being treated.

This was announced on the air of the telethon by Petro Andryushchenko, the city mayor's adviser. He added that Mariupol partisans conducted a successful operation to eliminate the occupiers, Channel 24 reports.

Andryushchenko said that the Mariupol resistance is conducting active work, which is often not talked about publicly. Yes, the incident with watermelons became a new proof of this.

According to the adviser of the mayor of Mariupol, the partisans found people who wanted to earn money. Salaried workers perform various jobs without even realizing what consequences this may have.

There are always people who come from Russia and want to make money. That is, it is sold to them... The operation was simple. It was clear that watermelons were being purchased at the military base. It was clear who would supply these watermelons. These people were sold a lot of watermelons too cheaply. She got in and did the damage she had, Andryushchenko said.

At least 12 Russian soldiers died from poisonous watermelons, and about 30 are in hospital with severe poisoning.


Mariupol before and after the "liberation."

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