Ana Navarro Whacks Trump For Sounding Like Communist Dictators

Republican commentator Ana Navarro hit Trump where it hurt when it comes to which candidate sounds like a wannabe communist dictator Tuesday at the Democratic National Convention.

Republican commentator Ana Navarro hit Trump where it hurt when it comes to which candidate sounds like a wannabe communist dictator Tuesday at the Democratic National Convention.

Navarro was one of many Republicans who were featured to speak at this year's DNC, and it was nice to watch someone turn Trump's ridiculous attacks about Harris supposedly being a communist on their head.

NAVARRO: Buena noche, Chicago! So tell me, are you excited? Wow, what energy, what a moment. I have to tell you, I will never stop being the little refugee girl who came to this country at the age of eight. Thank you for inviting me to be here.

Welcome to the second night of the Democratic National Convention.

Let me tell you about the Kamala Harris I know. She is legitimately a joyful, optimistic leader. She cares about policy, yes. But she also cares about people and how that policy affects real people, not just the members of Mar-a-Lago.

And you know what else? Kamala Harris, she likes dogs. And my dog, Chacha, likes her. Dogs are good judges of character. So are cats. We cannot elect a president who does not like dogs or hangs around with people who shoot them.

Now, let's be serious. Donald Trump and his minions call Kamala a communist. I know communism. I fled communism from Nicaragua when I was eight years old. I don't take it lightly. And let me tell you what communist dictators do.

And it's never just for one day.

They attack the free press. They call them the enemy of the people, like Ortega does in Nicaragua. They put their unqualified relatives in cushy government jobs so they can get rich off their positions like the Castro's do in Cuba.

And they refuse to accept legitimate elections when they lose and call for violence to stay in power like Maduro is doing right now in Venezuela.

Now you tell me something. Do any of those things sound familiar?

Is there anybody running for president who reminds you of that?

And I know one thing, it's not Kamala Harris.

That is not the America, the America we love. It's not the land of freedom we treasure.

Last night we heard President Biden say that he loves his job, but he loves his country more.

Every American needs to love our country more. Every American has the duty to put our country first.

Country first before party. Country first before political ambition. Country first before habit.

And in this election, putting country first means one thing and one thing only, voting for Kamala Harris.

And that, that is what this night is about. That is what we're going to talk about tonight. So you know what? Let's get it started. Let's get this fiesta going.

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