Trump Suggests Prominent Dems Behind Assassination Attempt

During an interview, Trump insinuated that lawyer Marc Elias and former special prosecutor Andrew Weissmann are involved in a cover up regarding his assassination attempt.

Donald Trump, convicted felon and the Republican candidate for President, went on the Monica Crowley Podcast on Friday and went on a complete tirade regarding the assassination attempt against him from a few weeks ago. He actually said that it was an INSIDE job, even though the shooter was a registered Republican.

Here is the back and forth:

CROWLEY: With regard to the assassination attempt. The more we see what happened that day, the more suspicious it all looks. It looks like the three letter agencies are slow walking a lot of this evidence, a lot of the video, etc. Does it look increasingly to you like this was suspicious, maybe even inside job?

TRUMP: Well, it's strange. The father hired the most expensive lawyer. He lives in the area, supposedly, not very much money. He hired the most expensive lawyer. Think of this. Who's paying for this lawyer in Pennsylvania. High end, very, very expensive lawyer, top of the line, right? You know, where does he get the money to hire a lawyer that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars? Is the lawyer doing it for free? I doubt it. Are the Democrats paying for his legal fees? Is Marc Elias involved and that group? Is Weismann involved? I don't know. Maybe they are. Maybe they're not, but who's paying for this lawyer?

Yes, you read that right. Trump is now suggesting that Democratic powerhouse lawyer, Marc Elias, and former special prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann, were somehow connected to this attempt.

These types of conspiracy theories are the things that get innocent people killed. Not joking.

I hope they both sue him. What he just did was slander and defamation. Probably not a great idea to defame two seriously accomplished and skilled lawyers, but you know, Trump is not known for being smart.

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