Bartiromo Stunned When GOP Guest Blames Repubs For Border Chaos

He’s not wrong.

MAGA mouthpiece Maria Bartiromo so did not get the answer she wanted from Texas Republican Rep. Keith Self on Friday. The propagandist posing as a business news host was obviously expecting an anti-Democratic diatribe when she asked Self, “What’s wrong with Congress? … Why can’t you actually move the needle on securing the border?”

Bartiromo went on to suggest that Republicans should take some action to beat Democrats into submission. “I understand you need a willing partner on the other side and you haven’t had that,” Bartiromo continued, “but it's frustrating to see all of these illegals coming in and the drugs flowing in and, really no movement.”

Clearly, she wanted Self to announce that Republicans will block funding the government until some draconian actions are taken.

Instead, Self blamed the Republicans! “The problem is the Republicans, not the Democrats. We know how the Democrats are going to vote. It's too many of my Republican colleagues are unwilling to vote to secure the border.”

Sadly, I do not think Self was criticizing his party for not passing the very conservative, bipartisan border bill, which he voted against. More likely he was complaining his GOP colleagues are too squishy on the subject.

But hey, I’ll take Republicans in disarray.

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