Tammy Baldwin Puts CA Carpetbagger In His Place

Sen. Tammy Baldwin had enough of Eric Hovde's personal attacks on her and her life partner and let him know it in no uncertain terms.

Like every other Republican, Eric Hovde is unable to answer a question directly. He often tries to distract, detract, and divert attention away by using ad hominem attacks and bringing up completely unrelated issues to muddy the waters.

Friday's night debate between Hovde and Senator Tammy Baldwin was no different. He often avoided answering questions by making snide comments about Baldwin and her life partner. He kept insinuating that they were doing something corrupt, even though he cannot name one thing they have done that is illegal or unethical. He just wanted to blow his rainbow dog whistle over the fact that Baldwin is the first open lesbian elected to the US Senate.

Finally, after several of his rude comments, Baldwin had had enough and put Hovde in his place. By the way, the question Hovde was trying not to answer was what should be done about SCOTUS in regards to ethics:

HOVDE: They do not disclose the investments and how much they're profiting from it. That's wrong. You should disclose what investments your partner is making.

MODERATOR: Thank you, Mr. Hovde. the question on the supreme court.

BALDWIN: Well, first I need to talk about what Eric Hovde just said. Eric Hovde should stay out of my personal life. I think I speak for most Wisconsin women, stay out of all of our personal lives. That said, with regard to the Supreme Court of the United States, there is no trust anymore.

You can see that Baldwin is barely containing her rage at Hovde's insults and arrogance. Likewise, you can see Hovde go stony-faced as he realized that he done f'ed up.

And for the record, there was not one single question where Baldwin's personal life could even be considered remotely relevant.

They're going to have to sell tickets for people to take turns to kick his arse all they way back to Laguna Beach after he loses it to Baldwin on November 5th.

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