Threatening Flyers By 'Trump Klan' Attached To Harris Campaign Signs In TX

The KKK is trying to intimidate Harris supporters. It won't work.

After the public was subjected to Donald J. Trump's racist Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden, it probably gave the Ku Klux Klan a chubby. Residents in Texas received flyers that threatened Kamala Harris supporters in Texas, claiming they have been identified and are now in the "National Database of miscreant Harris supporters" and once "the magnificent Donald Trump" gets in office, the IRS will target them.

KVUE reports:

The flyers go on to say that "once the magnificent Donald Trump assumes the Presidency again," the reader will be audited by the IRS, going back to their first tax return, and "at a minimum --- 4 years of painful misery and attorney's fees."

The flyers are signed, "Sincerely, The Grand Dragon of Trump Klan #124; San Marcos, TX."

SMPD said it is actively investigating the reports it has received and working to identify the people responsible. The department asks any residents who find a flyer on a sign in their yard to contact SMPD and leave the flyer in place – officers will come to remove it.

Well, at least he signed it "Sincerely," so that makes it better. This Klanny guy is trying to intimidate Harris supporters, but that won't work. I see this giving recipients of those flyers even more momentum to get behind Kamala Harris when they vote.

The Klan targeted me before the 2016 election for being what they called a 'race traitor,' posting maps to my home. They even showed up late at night (three times), but my armed Black neighbor and his brother scared the shit out of them, and they took off. Their little visit only made me more energized to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Please get out and vote, y'all.

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