Unions: We Aren't Going Back!
Unions are collaborating and pounding on millions of doors to GOTV for Harris-Walz.
Union members are working together to canvass and phone bank in a huge GOTV movement for Harris-Walz. And it's paying off:
With less than a week to go until the election, unions say their collective campaigning is making a difference, even if the ground game remains challenging.
Last week, the UAW released a poll of 800 UAW members and households in key swing states. It found Harris holding a 29-point lead over Trump among those who reported hearing from the UAW about the election, compared to just a 6-point lead among those who said they’d not heard from their union.
“These numbers highlight the effectiveness of the union's aggressive strategy to inform members about the candidates' positions on key economic issues, including protecting overtime pay, overhauling harmful trade deals, preventing offshoring, expanding retirement security, and taking on corporate greed,” the UAW said in a statement.
Union workers - active or retired - and their families make up approximately 20% of the voters in swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Union workers don't even need the promises from the Harris-Walz campaign to strengthen unions by doing things like the PRO-Act. Nor do they need the scary stories about what Project 2025/Agenda 47 would do to unions. They don't need that stuff because actions speak louder than words. Harris has stood with striking union workers. Tim Walz was a union worker, crying out loud!
But the Scabby Felon (Trump, not Steve Bannon), who is trying to con people into thinking he's pro-union, doesn't have the track record to back up his false claims. His record with the unions is quite the opposite, in fact. Unions remember what Trump's National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) did to them in 2018,
An all-Republican panel of President Trump’s National Labor Relation Board (NLRB) recently ruled that janitors in San Francisco violated the law when they picketed in front of their workplace to win higher wages, better working conditions and freedom from sexual harassment in their workplace. The ruling could result in far-reaching restrictions on picketing that limit the ability of labor unions to put public pressure on management.
Fortunately, President Joe Biden has made the NLRB a lot more worker friendly. Otherwise, without that, the UAW would not have been able to have the success they did against the Big Three auto makers this past year. Nor would we have seen the unionizations of the VW plant in Tennessee. Workers at Amazon plants and Starbucks stores still would be without a voice in the workplace.
Even Sean O'Brien and Teamsters would not have won against UPS without the right to picket, which make's O'Brien's support for Trump even more unfathomable and disgustingly scabby. O'Brien better ask himself whose side he's on - Trump's or his union's.