Is WIS AG Considering Fake Electors Charges Against Trump And Rojo?

Wisconsin Attorney General discusses the fake elector case and said that more charges are still possible.

In June, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul announced that his office had filed criminal charges against former Felon Trump attorneys Kenneth Chesebro and Jim Troupis and former Trump aide Mike Roman. On Sunday, he did an interview with Matt Smith of the Wisconsin-based show UpFront and gave an update on the case:

SMITH: You charged three former allies of former president Donald Trump including Jim Troupis, Kenneth Chesebro with felonies related to 2020 and the fake electors scheme. You said in June that the investigation was still open and more charges may be possible. Are we going to see more charges in this case?

KAUL: The investigation remains ongoing as you said there are three people who've been charged, and the criminal process is moving forward. There's a court date set for later this year and there will be other court dates as the case moves forward. But we're committed to developing the facts as fully as possible, gathering the evidence, and making assessments based on the facts and the law. So, that's how we're going to continue proceeding. It's how we have proceeded to this point and, again, our commitment to ensuring that our elections are safe and secure but also free and fair is absolute. And we're going to continue working to do that whatever circumstances arise, and we're going to respond based on the facts.

SMITH: Have you ruled out charging former president Donald Trump?

KAUL: Well, like I said, the investigation is ongoing. We don't approach investigations thinking about is this particular individual potentially going to be charged or not in the abstract. We do that based on the facts as they are developed and as we are gathering facts and learning more information. That's what shapes the direction we take with investigation, and should also shape the direction a prosecutor takes in making a charging decision.

SMITH: People are going to see that as you not saying a definitive no on that.

KAUL: Well, in any case where we're investigating, we are committed to following the facts. Where they lead we have a basic principle in our system of justice which is that we have equal justice under the law. Nobody is above the law and so we apply the law equally. Now, we're not going to speculate on who may or may not have evidence that's gathered against them. What I can tell you is that the decisions that we make with respect to our investigation, and any charging decisions we're in a position to make, will be based not on the identity of the individuals involved but on the facts and the law.

SMITH: But fair to say this investigation is still open from your perspective?

KAUL: This remains an ongoing investigation

It's really hard to not try to read between the lines, but I sure as hell hope that if Kaul has something going, that he announces it this week, before it's too late to have much impact on the election. And with Felon Trump coming to Wisconsin so much, it sure would be easy to get him in for the charging hearing. And while he's at it, I hope Kaul gets RoJo, as well.

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