Biden Blocks Trump Team Out Of Federal Departments
Trump's transition team was rebuffed for failing to sign ethics agreements due to, ya know, lack of ethics.
It’s the feel-good story America’s been waiting for. No, it won’t matter much in the long run, but if it helps Newsfuckers make it through today, then it matters today!
RePresident-elect Donald Trump’s agency transition teams — so-called “landing teams” — are getting locked out of the federal departments they soon hope to manage/mismanage. The Biden administration reportedly is refusing to let Trump minions — including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — into their future homes.
That’s because Team Trump has refused to sign the three federal transparency and ethics forms promising to conform to some fucking half-assed pretense of transparency and ethics. Thing is, without those forms, the feds can’t legally start showing Team Trump where the coffee-maker is and how to turn it on and what to do if it makes a weird sound when you try to dismantle it along with the entire agency.
Reportedly, Kennedy “advisers” (brrr) reached out multiple times to the Health and Human Services Department. Only to get told to take a long drive off a short bridge. Oh, wait, wrong Kennedy!***
The lockout is also virtual, meaning no agency email addresses for Team Trump’s landing teams. And the cabinet heads picked by Trump without FBI background checks also can’t request background checks of the people they want to pick. (Pretty sure that’s a feature, not a bug, for this administration, though.)
It also means Biden administration officials aren’t reading Trump’s people in on various threats and crises, let alone the normal stuff. It’s not just war shit in Ukraine and Israel and the places we ignore no matter who’s president, it’s also domestic issues.
For instance, with Trump back in the White House, we’re due another pandemic, no? Trump handed one to Pres. Joe Biden, so it seems only fair.
Republished with permission from The Fucking News. . ***Google “Kennedy” and “Chappaquiddick,” kids!