Coke Jr Seems To Be Doing A Pocket Dive Then Rubbing Blow On His Gums


We've discussed Don Jr's (alleged!) abuse of cocaine before, well, because it's evident in his video rants, and now, at the SpaceX launch on Tuesday, too.

You can see Cokahauntas reaching into his pocket, touching something, then rubbing his gums. And if you've ever done cocaine before (I'm admitting nothing. OK, I am. It was many years ago. Don't judge me.), or if you've ever seen a freaking movie, then you know exactly what he's doing in the clip above posted by MeidasTouch on Bluesky.

Imagine walking around with your president-elect Daddy and First Lady Leonia Musk while having to stop for a coke-gum rub in front of the world at a space launch. Also, imagine having an obvious as fuck drug addiction, and yet your family members don't care enough about you to do an intervention. I'd feel sorry for him, but even without the drug use, he still lacks the empathy gene, and he seems to have inherited his father's narcissistic traits.

In 2023, after rumors circulated about Cokey's drug use, he told a Turning Point Action Conference that snorting cocaine was not his “thing.”

“My guys who I stayed in touch with — many of them just dear friends — they’re like, ‘Hey dude, there’s no way you would’ve gotten away with that,’” he told the crowd. “I go, ‘I know!’ Luckily, I don’t snort, er, cocaine! It’s just not my thing.”

Yeah, sure. I said that, too, back in the day. And he said that while appearing to be at an 8 on a cocaine scale of one through ten.

Get in a rehab, fool. Right after Trump names his son to head the DEA.

Pretty “eight-ballsy” of him. So this is where we are, I guess.

Leah Gilbert-Fennesy ( 2024-11-20T19:42:52.040Z

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