Ron Johnson Praises 'Diversity' Of Orange Felon's Coalition

RoJo thinks that Tulsi Gabbard, Elmo Musk and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr covers the wide political spectrum.

Senator Ron Johnson (Q-Moscow) is already in position for the next four years - on his knees, ready to kiss whatever body part The Orange Felon presents to him. This is evidence by this strange claim RoJo recently made:

Also the coalition that President Trump has assembled, people like Elon Musk, Robert Candy, Tulsi Gabbard, these are people that span the political spectrum, are willing to put their differences aside, focus on areas of agreement. They all love this country, they realize we have serious problems, and they're working together to solve those problems, so I'm quite hopeful.

Elmo Musky represents South African apartheid racism, which is, to RoJo, so exotic when compared to good old fashioned American racism. RFK, Jr. is representative of the alien symbiote faction, namely the worms for brains people. And Tulsi Gabbard, who is probably closest to old RoJo's heart, is the standard for the Putin Pack, just like RoJo himself.

What is surprising about RoJo's groveling is that now diversity is apparently a good thing, as long as they're not too diverse.

For those of us who did not partake in the Orange Flavor-ade, they all look like run of the mill white fascists. Then again, we're not the true believers, are we?

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