Ron Johnson Predicts Election Fraud And Cheating

Senator Ron Johnson, fake elector co-conspirator, predicts that Democrats will cheat and commit election fraud.

Senator Ron Johnson (Q-Moscow) sat down for an interview with Fox's Neil Cavuto to discuss one of RoJo's favorite topics - election fraud:

ROJO: I think they do cheat, which is why we keep saying we need such an overwhelming landslide where really the result is too big to rig.

CAVUTO: I'm just thinking of those remarks. Of course, the Democrats challenge what you say, sir. And you know, Donald Trump talking about some mysterious shenanigans going on Pennsylvania, whether - with Republicans are the ones laying the groundwork for an election whose results they will not accept if they lose.

ROJO: Well, again, I want to accept the results. I wanted a fair, legitimate election. I don't want any legitimate vote canceled out by fraudulent vote. But we know that election fraud occurs in every election. It's just a matter, you know, how large of a fraud is it?

CAVUTO: Okay, Senator, we'll talk very closely. Thank you very much.

Boy, that brings back memories from 2022, when RoJo was making excuses and accusing the Democrats of cheating. He thought that song and dance was so successful that he'd run it out again this year, making the same baseless accusations just days before Election Day.

Even more amazing is that RoJo was so shameless to make these lame allegations even after getting busted for having his thumb in almost every step of Trump's scheme to overthrow the 2020 elections, including, but nowhere near limited to, being a mule for the slates of fake electors. He's probably so willing to lie that much because, like the Orange Felon, he's terrified of what might happen to him once the Felon loses the election and then loses again when he gets incarcerated.

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