The SECRET (FUNNY!) PLAN To CRUSH Trump's Cabinet Picks From Hell

It's a MAGA all-star team!

What do you get when you add a man accused of drunk driving and trafficking underage women, a woman who supported Assad gassing his own people and parrots Putin propaganda all day and all night long and a guy with a weird history of crossing paths with dead bear cubs, whale heads, brain worms and assorted other beasts we can only assume (especially since going MAGA). Oh, right, he also rejects pretty much all science since 1850, including vaccinations, pasteurization, modern medicine to treat mental health conditions and would seemingly sleep with pretty much anyone or anything, including inanimate objects?

You get a helluva trifecta for the Trump Cabinet! And this isn't even counting the white supremacist FoxNews guy whose hands--by his own admission--haven't been washed in years, a congresswoman who's espoused White Replacement Theory and a governor who likes taking puppies to the gravel pit. From which they never return. Ever.

Trump's cabinet nominees, the perfect distillation of his crowd's asshattery, including treason, conspiracy, racism, lunacy, sexual assault, cruelty and idiocy. It's a MAGA all-star team!

Seriously, though, we have just the plan to stop them. And MAGA. Call it a secret plan. And we discuss it in the video. Watch!

P.S. If you haven't, please subscribe to Cliff's Edge for more great content like this!

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