Senate Dems To Work Nights, Weekends, Holidays To Approve Judges

Republicans were dragging out the process Monday night by forcing Democrats to hold time-consuming votes on procedural motions.

You love to see it! Senate Dems will vote late into the night Monday in a frantic effort to confirm as many Biden’s nominees to the federal judiciary as they can before the Chaos Demon takes over in January. Via The Hill:

That means Senate votes stretching late into the night and possibly working over weekends and even during the Christmas recess in late December. Senators were expecting to hold a series of procedural votes late into Monday night or early Tuesday morning to allow Schumer to file cloture on a batch of Biden nominees, which would set up confirmation votes for later in the week.

Republicans were dragging out the process Monday night by forcing Democrats to hold time-consuming votes on procedural motions to switch from executive to legislative session and back again. Usually shuttling in between legislative and executive session is a routine move that the minority party agrees to by unanimous consent, without forcing colleagues to show up on the Senate floor to vote for an arcane motion.

Senate staff warned that senators could hold as many as 18 votes Monday night to conduct the procedural business that is often handled with a simple request for unanimous consent.

Good to see them working to get this done, while President Biden runs around the country nailing down the grants for his CHIPS Act. Now let's see what other Republican fuckery the Democrats can head off.

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