Vance Unleashes His Ambition, Calls Kamala Harris 'Trash'

"What is wrong with this guy?" Eugene Robinson asked.

If you think about it, Jimmy Dave Vance has all the makings of a Stephen King character. What if he has a different psychotic personality for every one of his names?

Born James Donald Bowman. Then he was James David Hamel. Now he's JD Vance, the nakedly ambitious man who's trying desperately to grab the Trump mantle for himself in the final hours of a gasping campaign.

Our message to Kamala Harris is simple. The citizens of this country, they're not garbage for thinking you're doing a bad job. The citizens of this country are not racist for thinking you ought to close down the damn southern border. Citizens of this country are not garbage for wanting to be able to afford groceries and a nice place to live. But in two days, we are going to take out the trash in Washington, D.C., and the trash's name is Kamala Harris.

Morning Joe panelists were shocked.

"Usually, they leave themselves some wiggle room to say, I wasn't talking about Kamala Harris. He paused and said, 'Trash is Kamala Harris.' That's the closing argument at the last event from the guy who wants to be vice president of the United States," Willie Geist said.

Claire McCaskill pointed out that one of the things that is most important for a president and vice president is judgment.

"What is your judgement about what will work for any problem you're facing? JD Vance is facing a problem, that the women of America do not trust these two guys. That's the problem they're facing," she said.

She said his statement tells voters what they need to know.

"This guy's judgment is so flawed. He goes from calling their guy Trump America's Hitler to calling Kamala Harris 'trash.' Something is wrong there, really radically wrong," Geist said.

"Again, it's what we've always said about the Trump campaign. It's always a game of subtraction and not addition. Again, I will never understand it. There is a campaign they could have run where they'd be ahead easily. Instead, we're sitting here saying the race is tied," Joe Scarborough said.

"Democrats are feeling very good right now. I don't understand why. There's been no reaching out. it's like, let's offend as many women as possible. Let's drive down with our most hard core base on, you know, Qanon, 4chan, guys that hate women."

"What is wrong with this guy?" Eugene Robinson asked. "He is supposed to be smart. He wrote a book!

"I've seen ambition in politics, but this is something else."


Senator Tina Smith is not having it.

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