Church Chat: 2024, The Most Satanic Year In History

Dana Carvey returns to SNL to reprise his Church Lady character.

SNL alum Dana Carvey returned to the show to play his famous Church Lady character for the cold open.

The skit was Church Lady hosting a show called "Church Chat." The first guest was Matt Gaetz, portrayed by Sarah Sherman. It was complete with some zingers, such as how Gaetz has more than a passing resemblance to Satan and how conveeeeeenient it was that he resigned from Congress just before they were going to release the report on Gaetz's perverted pecadillos.

The next guest was Hunter Biden, portrayed by another SNL alum, David Spade. This was the funniest part of the skit and you could just feel the chemistry as these two former costars went through their bit. The comfort between them just made it flow smoother and the lines even funnier as they talked about Hunter's own follies and cracks such as when Spade asked the question, "Pardon?"

The third and final guest, Juan Soto, played by Marcello Hernández, talked about Soto's extremely lucrative payout served as a reminder that we all went into the wrong line of work. And even though I'm not a baseball fan per se, I had to chuckle at the comment that the Mets were people in need.

The segment wrapped up with the Church Chat Singers coming on stage to sing about how Satan had a good year.

Overall, it wasn't their best cold opening, but it did have its moments.

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