Ron Johnson Can't Wait To Push Anti-Vax Agenda

Sen Ron Johnson can barely contain his excitement at the thought of pushing his snake oil on the American people.

Sen Ron Johnson, anti-vaxxer and snake oil salesman, went on Newsmax and couldn't control his gushing over the damage that he and RFK, Jr. want to do to this country:

We need to find out what is causing this explosion in chronic illness in autism. That's something the American people certainly agree with and while they're doing that, they're also demonstrating to America how you heal and unify a very divided nation. Again, this is a nonpartisan coalition of people who want to make America great again who want to make America healthy again. It actually gives me hope. I'm not the most uplifting character. We have enormous problems, problems to solve. This is how you solve them in a nonpartisan way focusing on the facts, on the reality, on data, and on non-corrupted science. That's certainly what Bobby Kennedy, that's what President Trump is going to focus on.

Given that RFK, Jr. and RoJo each have a long history of being anti-vaxxers, it doesn't take a genius, stable or otherwise, to know that what RoJo is alluding at is to demonize vaccines. We've already seen their handiwork in the rise of cases of whooping cough, measles, and even polio, which was all but eradicated in the United States.

This was further evidenced by the way RoJo emphasized autism in his blathering. If RoJo would ever stop giving himself a rectal examination and pulled his head out of his ass, he would know that the increase in autism diagnoses is improvements in the ability to diagnose it, especially in people who do not have intellectual disabilities. It is also being diagnosed more in minority populations who had been underserved in this aspect. Experts also indicate that environmental conditions - such as pollution - could have something to do with it. But one thing is for sure - the cause is not vaccines:

Precisely what those other factors are is still unknown, but researchers are at least clear on one fact: Autism has nothing to do with vaccines.

"We know for sure, for so many years now, that vaccines don’t cause autism," said Santhosh Girirajan, an associate professor at Pennsylvania State University who studies the genetic underpinnings of neurodevelopmental disorders and wasn't involved in the new study.

But it's a good thing that RoJo wants to base his decisions on uncorrupted science. That might mean he'll drop the bullshit about Hydroxychloroquine and the such since the paper the anti-vaxxers have sworn by has been withdrawn because of scientific and ethical concerns.

Ha! Who am I kidding? There's no way in hell RoJo is going to start doing the right thing now.

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