How Long Until Donald F*cks Up The Strong Economy Biden Is Handing Him?

You know that trash monster will take credit for Biden's economy before he destroys it.

Donald created a social media platform to slam his successor daily in lie-filled posts about President Joe Biden's economy. When Biden took office, he was handed an apocalyptic economy with a negative jobs number. And now, Biden is handing Donald a strong economy by any metric, and for sure, the convicted narcissistic felon will take credit for it -- before he destroys it again.

President Biden spoke of the economy after December's jobs report.

"Let me close where I started with this morning's jobs report: more than 250,000 jobs in December," he said. "In four years, the economy created 16.6 million new jobs, the most in any single presidential term."

"We've created jobs every single month I was in office," he continued. "During my presidency, we saw the lowest average unemployment rate of any administration in the last 50 years, and battling through the worldwide effects of the pandemic, Putin's war in Ukraine, and supply chain disruption, the inflation rate is down nearly 2%."

"These are simple, well-established economic benchmarks that measure the strength of any economy and the success or failure of any president's four years in office," the President said. "I believe the economy I'm leading is the best in the world and stronger than ever for all Americans."

"So I think that's what we have; we'll see what the next president does," he added.

We know what the next President will do. Donald bragged about the economy Obama handed him as if he created the jobs under his predecessor, and he rode on Obama's coattails. Then, he bungled his handling of the pandemic and literally danced while Americans were dying. It's all going to happen again. And MAGA will cheer him on. If you know anything about narcissists, and you should, after watching Donald in action for years, he doesn't give a single flying fuck about the well-being of hard-working Americans. And that includes the Red Hats.

This is irrefutably true. Let’s see how long it lasts.

Andrew Weinstein (@andrewjweinstein.com) 2025-01-11T18:40:52.102Z

Biden: "In four years, the economy created 16.6 million new jobs, the most in any single presidential term. We've created jobs every single month I was in office ... the economy I'm leaving is the best in the world."

Aaron Rupar (@atrupar.com) 2025-01-10T23:23:15.893Z

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