Marco Rubio Signals He’s A-OK With Trump Foreign Corruption

Asked if Trump should avoid new business deals with Middle East governments, Rubio offered up a word salad of kowtowing.

During Sen. Marco Rubio’s confirmation hearing Wednesday, he was asked by Democratic Sen. Patrick Murphy a simple yes or no question: “Do you believe that the president should refrain from doing new business deals with Middle East governments during his term in office?”

Rubio is Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State. As a senator, he’s been vice chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence and a senior member of the Committee on Foreign Relations. The fact that he’s obviously willing to toss out everything he knows about the importance of not having a president conflicted on foreign policy tells you everything you need to know about this cowardly weasel.

Even worse, he pretended Trump always put the country over his personal interests.

RUBIO: My understanding, again, I'm speaking out of turn, but the president doesn't manage that company. His family members do, and they have a right to be in the business. That's the business that they're in. They're in the real estate business. They've been for a very long time, both domestically and abroad. They have properties in multiple countries. So, at the end of the day, I don't know, his family is entitled to continue to operate their business.

The fundamental question is not whether his family is involved in business. The fundamental question is whether that is in any way impacting the conduct of our foreign policy in a way that's counter to our national interest. And the president's made abundantly clear that every decision he makes and every decision we are to make at the State Department should be driven by whether or not it serves the national, core national interests of the United States.

Did Rubio miss Trump’s $10 million “donation” from Egypt that was coincidentally followed by remarkable camaraderie toward President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi that broke with previous U.S. policy? That time Trump killed an investigation into a Chinese company renting space from “his family” to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars? That’s not counting how Trump put his country last by undermining the 2020 presidential election because his pathetically fragile ego couldn’t handle the loss.

I’m sure Rubio didn’t miss any of those things. He just cares more about his personal status, power and maybe cutting government services for regular folks to pay for tax cuts to billionaires than he does about this country and our democracy.

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