Mike’s Blog Round-Up
"Art is either plagiarism or revolution,” -- Paul Gauguin
On this day in 1995, Babylon 5 aired "The Coming Of Shadows." Officially, this served as the ninth episode in the program's second season/ Our friends at the IMDB sum up the plot as follows: "The Centauri emperor visits the station, leading G'Kar to attempt to assassinate him. Lord Refa and Londo conspire to expand their power on Centauri Prime." BTW, "The Coming Of Shadows" took home the 1996 Hugo Award for 'Best Dramatic Presentation.'
Paul Krugman: Oppose, Oppose, Oppose — and Do It Loudly.
Angry Bear: Trump: Elon ate my homework.
Homeless on the High Desert: Page Two: Terrifying Titillations.
Attention space nerds! No cause for alarm...yet. However, astronomers have discovered a 196-foot asteroid with a 1-in-83 chance of hitting Earth in 2032.
Round Up by driftglass of the Professional Left Podcast and Science Fiction University
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