Owner Of Gold Cybertruck Shocked At Harrassment He's Getting

“It’s a fancy, funky car that I think attracts a lot of attention,” Dr. Kumait Jaroje said.

He wanted some bling to advertise his new exclusive spa but he may not have bargained for the attention he's now receiving.

Source: WBZ

A Massachusetts doctor says he’s getting death threats for his political beliefs and what he drives — a shiny gold Tesla Cybertruck.

Dr. Kumait Jaroje says he's gotten plenty of attention for the electric vehicle, but lately it’s become very aggressive.

”People will not just point and give us thumbs down,” he said. “It became, like, people screaming at the car, some more middle fingers, you know, trying to cut us off.”

The Worcester doctor says he wrapped the truck in gold to promote his medical spa, Sculpting MD.

At first, the $100,000 vehicle attracted the kind of comments you might expect. But he says things changed when Elon Musk endorsed Donald Trump for president.

It’s been down hill since, with Tesla’s CEO now in charge of cutting government costs, after stirring controversy with a straight-armed gesture at an inaugural event some interpreted as a Nazi salute.

“The salute happened, Musk, during the inauguration of Trump, and that’s when everything went crazy,” Jaroje said.

He says he's tried to get rid of the vehicle, but no one will take it, including Tesla.

Due to the harassment, Jaroje said he tried to trade in the Cybertruck, but with no luck.

He sent Tesla a photo of the hateful sticker that someone put on his vehicle, but a representative said Tesla is not accepting Cybertruck trade-ins at the moment.

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